Still Struggling

Well, I'm still struggling with the diet but I've stuck to it for the past couple days. I haven't lost any weight this week either. When I don't show any loss in the scales it's hard for me to stay motivated. However, I've been thinking of things I'm doing wrong and aren't making this diet as effective as it should be.

1. I take my carb blocker and herbs right before a meal. You are suppose to take it 15 minutes before you eat so it can prevent you from over eating. This is hard because I don't think about it until it's time to eat. In fact at lunch today I didn't think about it til afterwards. I need to work on that.

2. I was watching tv while I ate. When I eat and watch tv I tend to forget that I ate and I'm hungry again. So I've gone back to eating at the dinner table. I might even need to stop eating at my desk at work so I can remember my food.

3. Need to get out and do more. When I'm home or bored I tend to eat. If I'm out doing stuff I tend to forget that I'm hungry. Exercise will be the best cure for this.

4.Not exercising. I've been so tired that I just haven't exercised. Instead I need to work my way back up to long exercise routines.

If I do the above I think I can start losing weight again. If not I'm not sure what I will do.


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