Meal Plan

So today was the training session for what my meal plan on Slim4Life will be. I have to say I"m a bit concerned but I will get to that soon.

The plan consists of a list of food items you can eat with the oz of each food item. Then I can eat so many servings of each food group like people with diabetes do.

Protein - I get two servings of protein a day. I can have many different kinds of proteins includes eggs, cottage cheese, beef, chicken, and fish. A serving size is 4 to 6oz depending on the protein. Beef I can't have more than twice a week and tuna I can only have once a week and they can't be on the same day or the next day. That will be interesting to figure out.

Vegetables - I get 3 servings of vegetables a day. The serving size is 1cup for raw and 1/2 cooked. Sugary vegetables like beets, corn, onions and potatoes are not included

Fruits - I get two fruits a day. I seemed to me like most fruit was included.

Starches - I get one starch a day. The starch is one slice of diet bread, rye crackers, sweet potatoes (but only once a week), 1/2 a corn tortilla, 2tbsp of bran flakes or brown rice (once a week). I have no idea how I'm going to do this one.

Diary - 8oz of milk a day. I've never really drank milk. This will be interesting.

I get one fat a day as well. Plus 2tbsp of fat free dressing.

Besides these foods I get two of the slim4life therma snacks during the day. They are things like chocolate bars, pretzels, chicken soups. They can be snacks or supplement a meal. I bought a cookbook that has some good ideas of things to make with the approved food and snacks. I'm looking forward to experimenting with that.

I also need to drink 80oz of water a day. The funny thing is that they don't recommend going over it. I can have two cups of coffee, unlimited tea, and up to 2 clear soft drinks. The caramel color in diet colas is suppose to hinder weight loss. I am very concerned about drinking over 80oz. I"m sure I drank over 100 today.

Last I have pills to take to boost weight loss as well as help your skin and mood. The total for the pills is 11 a day plus two energy drinks. I've already had one night where I forgot one set. Woops. I"ll have to figure out a way to remember them all.

So I'm sitting in this training session and here is what I'm worried about. Is this enough food? Am I going to be starving and lethargic every night like I was last night? I want to get out and ride my bike and be active but I can't do that if I have no energy. This diet is suppose to give you energy. Sure after I drink the energy drinks I feel better but I only get two of those. (See lime green drink from two days ago). I"m not going to last long on this diet if I don't feel better than I do now. I talked to the counseler about this. She said that if after three days I still feel bad they will put me in another plan where I get 3 proteins a day. I'm glad they are willing to work with me about this.

I woke up this morning with this thought. I'm going to trust this diet. This place has been around for 25 years. People have lost weight with it. They have several success stories. I just need to give myself up to the process. Don't second guess myself and try to get away with eating stuff off the plan. Just follow the plan and in less than 40 weeks I should be down to a weight that I'm happy with. I'm just going to take it one week at a time.


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